Welcome to PEBL
PEBL stands for ‘Prospect Estate Big Local’. In 2012 the Prospect Estate was awarded £1M by Big Local Big Lottery fund to be spent over a 10 year period to make a difference to the estate.
This is an exciting opportunity for residents to make a lasting positive difference. It’s about bringing together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make the Prospect Estate an even better place to live.
PEBL’s Vision & Progress
“In 10 years’ time, Prospect Estate will be a welcoming, safe, thriving community where individual strengths are recognised; people are actively involved and are proud to live.”
We’ve seen so many good things happen already! Check out our news articles, or have a look at our themes and projects to learn more.
Have a look at the attached presentation to see how PEBL’s moving forward and achieving its vision >
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