Individuals or community groups can apply for a grant to help run a new local project which will benefit Prospect Estate residents.
You can download the application form using the links below to make your application. Please be sure to read the guidance notes before making your application and email the completed form to
PEBL Grants Pot Application (Word doc)
PEBL Grants Pot Application (PDF)
PEBL Grants Pot Application Guidance (PDF)
PEBL Grant Pot Application Privacy Notice (PDF)
We’ve awarded several grants since 2015 to a number of different organisations based on the Prospect Estate to help make it an even better place for people to live.
Project title: Grange Junior School Pitch Flood Lights
Date: 29/11/2022
Grant Total: £500
Purpose: To buy 6 portable lights for the pitch area at Grange Junior and also a roller to improve the ground so the grounds can be rented out all year round creating much needed revenue for the school.
What Happened: PEBL approved providing Funds
Project title: MCP’s Stitch dont Ditch
Date: 08/11/2022
Grant Total: £150
Purpose: To pay for a sewing machine for MCP’s ESOL classes so students can learn to repair their clothes.
What Happened: MCP’s Stitch dont ditch sessions are now held weekly enabling local residents to repair and keep their clothes rather than having to buy new ones.
Project title: Cherrywood Primary Community KitchenDate: 21/07/2022
Grant Total: £500
Purpose:To pay toward a new kitchen to help parents learn to budget and cook healthy meals.
What Happened: PEBL approved providing Funds
Project title: Cherrywood Primary residential trip
Date: 01/11/2021
Grant Total: £500
Purpose: To subsidise local school children to go on a residential trip.
What Happened: Cherrywood Community Primary School took pupils to Marchants Hill PGL activity centre in Hindhead. Children enjoyed zip-wire, rock climbing, quad biking, team building games and more.
Project title: Winter Coat for Prospect’s Lollipop lady
Date: 08/09/2021
Grant Total: £21.99
Purpose: To keep the estate’s lollipop lady warm and visible during the winter months.
What Happened: PEBL funded the purchase of a winter coat and a hi-viz vest for a local volunteer.
Project title: Storage shed for Oak Farm Pre-school
Date: 19/07/2021
Grant Total: £500
Purpose: Oak Farm needed storage for children’s activities bought at auction from Farnborough Leisure Centre.
What Happened: PEBL funded the purchase of a shed for Oak Farm Pre-School.
Project title: Cherrywood Parental Engagement and Support
Date: 3/02/2021
Grant Total: £1049
Purpose: To encourage parental engagement and support to help provide the right environment for the children’s success at home.
What Happened: PEBL funded a wall mounted display screen/TV to allow for presentations and information sharing for parents and children in the Schools Hive Room.
Project title: Oak Farm Pre-school Covid 19 help
Date: 28/04/2020
Grant Total: £2600
Purpose: To keep the Oak Farm pre-school from closing down due to the pandemic.
What Happened: Essential food and learning items were bought and delivered to children’s families during the lockdown.
Project title: Cherrywood Primary – Hampers & Stationery packs
Date: 14/04/2020
Grant Total: £4292
Purpose: To support Children’s wellbeing and education through the Covid 19 pandemic.
What Happened: We funded reading book bundles to replenish school supplies that were given out to children during the pandemic and home learning and stationery packs for staff and children. We also funded various software packages to providing an extensive increased online learning provision as well as an in school healthy snack provision (fruit, veg and milk)
Project title: Child Focus Play Youth Club
Date: 16/09/2019
Grant Total: £597
Purpose: Support term time youth club for 5 to 12 yrs; including 2 trips per term e.g. bowling, cinema, eating out etc
What Happened: Children and young people enjoyed having somewhere to go in the evening with a range of activities plus a hot meal.
Project title: School Crossing Patrol
Date: 15/07/2019
Grant Total: £98
Purpose: To support a resident volunteer to provide a ‘lollipop lady’ service for local school children.
What Happened: A local black spot for accidents has been made safer for school children when crossing the road by providing a much needed service that had been discontinued by Hampshire County Council
Project title: Spotlight Holiday Club
Date: 11/07/2019
Grant Total: £400
Purpose: To run a holiday club for 14 children during the summer break from Cherrywood Primary School
What Happened: Children took part in activities including arts and craft, sports, bowling, trampolining and minigolf.
Project title: Improving Reading in Grange Junior School
Date: 05/07/2019
Grant Total: £500
Purpose: Pay for key stage 2 reading books no longer affordable from the school’s budget
What Happened: Reading made fun and interesting to support children’s education
Project title: Mayfield Community Partnership Big Lunch
Date: 06/05/2019
Grant Total: £375
Purpose: Contribution toward the Annual Community Big Lunch at Grange Junior School 2019
What Happened: Community engagement and integration between nationalities was a big part of this annual event. Community consultation and outreach was conducted by PEBL.
Project title: Cherrywood Primary School Educational Visit
Date: 19/03/2019
Grant Total: £400
Purpose: Grant to pay for a coach for Year 5 children to spend the day at Lulworth Cove on the Jurassic coast
What Happened: This trip was part of the geography curriculum helping local children enjoy learning and creating pleasant childhood school memories
Project title: Improving Wellbeing RBC Youth Club
Date: 14/09/2018
Grant Total: £720
Purpose: 12 sessions of emotional support for 11 – 15 yrs olds at the Friday Night Youth Club
What Happened: Young people were helped to deal with anger issues and and were given positive ways of communicating their feelings
Project title: Adult Literacy Grant
Date: 23/07/2018
Grant Total: £409
Purpose: Pay for a resident partner/volunteer to take a teacher training course at Farnborough College of Technology
What Happened: Resident was helped to pursue a career in teaching through PEBL funding her training
Project title: Grange Junior Calm Garden
Date: 18/05/2018
Grant Total: £500
Purpose: Grant towards creating calm garden space at Grange Junior School for contemplation and to supplement geography and science
What Happened: Previous waste land was transformed into a tranquil space to be enjoyed by over 300 pupils, parents and community visitors
PEBL approved providing funds toward the project.
Project title: Mayfield Community Partnership Big Lunch
Date: 13/03/2018
Grant Total: £200
Purpose: Contribution toward the Annual Community Big Lunch at Grange Junior School 2018
What Happened: Brought local people together for a fun afternoon while encouraging community integration of different nationalities
Project title: RBC Youth Club Outing
Date: 15/06/2017
Grant Total: £449
Purpose: Paid for a day trip for 12 young people from RBC Youth Club to have a day out at Runway’s End outdoor activities centre
What Happened: New friendships were established; increased confidence and teamwork skills were learned by the young people.
Project title: 3rd Farnborough Scout Group Camping Equipment
Date: 01/11/2017
Grant Total: £850
Purpose: To purchase tents, folding tables, benches and catering equipment for a local Scout group
What Happened: PEBL’s grant helped to provide opportunities to experience independent camping, teamwork and gain in self confidence
Project title: Autism Workshop
Date: 05/10/2016
Grant Total: £350
Purpose: To run Autism workshops for local schools to help become better equipped to understand Autism
What Happened: Teachers and volunteers are now better equipped when meeting and dealing with those on the autism spectrum
Project title: Mayfield Community Partnership Sports and Fun Festival
Date: 28/07/2015
Grant Total: £168
Purpose: Paying for promotional material for a Community Sports and fun festival at Samuel Cody School
What Happened: Promotion resulted in 179 people attending the event with 13 activities to engage in
Project title: Mayfield Community Partnership ESOL Sight and Sound
Date: 19/06/2015
Grant Total: £500
Purpose: For purchase of Audio Visual equipment to help teach English at the Community Centre
What Happened: AV equipment improved breadth, ability and quality of teaching by the ESOL Volunteer teachers
Project title: Church of Good Shepherd Gardening Project
Date: 29/05/2015
Grant Total: £100
Purpose: Paid for tools and plants for a community garden project at the Prospect Community Centre
What Happened: 12 members of the local Nepalese community developed growing skills as well as English language and communication