A wonderful time was had by all Sunday 5 June celebrating the Queens Jubilee at Moor Road Park. In spite of the weather predicting thunder showers, the rain held off and didn’t dampen enthusiasm!

The Event was organised by MCP’s Christine Guinness, ably helped by Clive Grattan, Sean and Lian Woodcock and Jackie Morris from PEBL. Clive Grattan, Deputy Mayor, Member of MCP and PEBL Chair opened the celebrations. It was a great mix of performance, cake competition, children’s activities, with something for everyone.

A lorry set up as a stage was donated by High-Speed which enabled some great performances by adults and children alike, including children from Grange Juniors. Alayne, Paddy and Chris from PEBL helped children decorate Jubilee jam jars and Clive, Bill and Louise were on hand to provide copious cups of tea and coffee! Other groups included Hawley Community gardens and the Girl Guides.

Around 400 people came by during the afternoon to join in the celebrations. Well done and thank you to all who helped out and attended for such a great Community event!

Tea or coffee?






Free refreshments for all ages





Jackie’s Union Jack

Having fun while learning

PEBL partners enjoying working together

PEBL partners, Alayne and Christine running the children’s activity.

A community feast fit for a King(or Queen)

Family Fun