The local Police visited PEBL’s Knit and Natter on Tuesday 10 November. Gordon and Kat from Hampshire Constabulary came to collect ‘police teddies’ that the ladies have been knitting for children affected by crime. When the police contacted PEBL earlier this year to see if this was something that the group would be willing to help with…….the ladies got started straight away!
PCSO Gordon Pengilley and PC Katherine Armstrong explained how the little teddy bears are used by the police to bring a smile to a distressed child. All were encouraged to hear that they have been able to help in such a way and and now starting to knit the next batch.
PEBL’s first Knit and Natter session of 2020 is on 14 January 2020 at 2 pm. They are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 2pm to 4pm at the Prospect Community Centre. Refreshments, good company and good conversation all provided free of charge. Feel free to come along.