PEBL runs a number of exciting projects as part of what we do. All our projects are free and directly benefit residents of the Prospect Estate. Whether you’d like some practical help with job searching, advice on how you can save money, or if you just fancy coming along for a knit or natter, there’s something for everyone! Have a look at our posters below which describe some of the things we’ve got going on.
Our projects relate to our PEBL Themes – click here to read more about these.
Are you struggling to make ends meet? We can help!
Free money advice – Confidential, individual advice in all areas of money management including banking, budgeting and claiming benefits.
Free internet access, advice and refreshments!
Practical advice on how to apply for jobs, CV writing, understanding Universal Credit, using a computer, how to find training opportunities and much more.
Fancy a knit & natter or playing a game?
All welcome. Free entry! Good company! Free tea and biscuits! Come along and make new friends while knitting, playing a board game and most importantly… nattering.
PEBL Signage
The three signs will be strategically placed at the roundabout junction of Cherrywood Road and Prospect Avenue, on Mayfield Road
PEBL Tree Project
PEBL tree pruning, removal and replacement project
Do you know about the many benefits of being online?
Our PEBL Internet Cafe ran from January 2014 to the end of March 2019. We helped loads of people get online, develop new skills and learn how to keep in touch with family and friends!
Worried about something? Problems at home?
We ran an Unsafe to Safe program from March 2016 to September 2018 to help 35 vulnerable young people aged 13 to 25 get on the road to safety and happiness!